How do I manage my assets (Lines and Equipment) in Weever?

Asset Management allows you to add your assets to Weever so you can collect your asset information in your form submissions

Adding your assets to Weever is simple with Asset Management. After you add your assets, you can collect this data in your form submissions with the "Asset" field. 

To add your assets follow these simple steps: 

Step 1 - Navigate to Asset Management

From your Weever menu tap Asset Management. This will load the top level of your asset hierarchy. If you tap into one of the assets, it will show you the nested assets. 

NOTE - The names of the levels in your Asset Management, as well as the number of levels included may be different. This is because Weever allows our clients to customize the labels and number of levels to suit their site's specific needs. The functionality outlined in this article, however, will be the same. 

Step 2 - Add your assets and nested assets

Tap the green button  to add a new asset. Add the name of your asset then tap "Create".

If you tap into an asset, you can add a nested asset by tapping the green "New Asset Name" button, adding the new asset name, and tapping "Create". 

Step 3 - Edit or delete assets (if required)

You can edit any asset on any level by tapping the "Edit" button beside that asset 

You can delete any asset on any level by tapping the "Remove" button   beside that asset


Removing an asset will also remove all the nested assets in all levels below that asset. 

And that's it! 

Now you can add the "Asset" field to your forms, and it will pull from the assets you just added in Asset Management. 

Asset Form Builder Field