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Weever Process
Everything you need to know about Weever Process so you can get the most out of it.
What are the access levels in Weever Process?
How do I manage email notifications in Weever Process?
What happens when I “Archive” a Process Template?
Data Collection
How do signatures work in Weever Process?
Process Builder
How do I build a process template?
How do I add forms to my processes?
How do I duplicate a process template?
How do I set Recurring (repeated) Checks in Weever Process?
Task Logic
How do I set up my processes for each unique situation?
Form Builder
How do I add calculations to my forms?
Using Process Templates
How do I know if a repeated check isn’t completed?
What does the Orange “!” icon mean in the Live Process view? What does "Action Required" mean?
How do I launch a new Process?
How do I close a Process and what happens to closed processes?
What happens when a task is marked as a “Critical Issue”?
My “Not Required” tasks disappeared. What happened?
How do I add Job Roles and what do they do?
See more