How do I know if a repeated check isn’t completed?

There are many ways that operators and supervisors will be alerted to overdue repeated tasks in Weever Process. Let’s review.

When a repeated check is not completed on time, the check “Due” date and time will be highlighted as red in the Process Template view to indicate to the operator that the check is due. 

If the task is not completed by the time the next check is due, the task will be added to the “Process Alerts” section with a “Submission Overdue” alert heading. 


When building Process Templates in Weever Process, Administrators can require tasks to be repeated. This is helpful for quality checks on a production line where a given check needs to be done based on an interval, for example once every hour. 

Administrators can add a “Grace Period” when setting up repeated checks to provide operators with some “wiggle room” to complete the checks before the deadline expires. 

Process Builder repeated checks and grace period

What happens when a repeated task is not completed on time?

There are many things that occur when a repeated task is not completed by the end of the grace period provided by the Administrator. Task are highlighted when they are due to ensure the operator is aware that the task is required to be completed. When the task is marked as "overdue" at the time that the next repeated task is due, a Process Alert is created.

1. Operators are alerted when checks are due

In the Process Template view, the “Due” column will show the time for the repeated check as red if it is "Due now". 

The operator will also be alerted that an action is required for their role in the "Action Required" pop-up modal. 

2) Supervisors are alerted when a check is "Overdue" 

A check is marked as “Overdue” at the moment when the subsequent (next) repeated check is due or when the "Grace Period" has expired.

For example, if your repeated checks are 1 time per hour, the 1pm check will be marked as “Overdue” at 2pm, the time at which the next check is due.

Also, if the administrator has set the grace period to be 15 minutes, the 1pm check will be marked as "Overdue" at 1:15pm.

The check will be marked as “Overdue” even if it is completed later. This is to keep a record of the overdue check in compliance reports. Overdue checks are indicated with a red "!" icon beside the time in the grid view of the task. 

"Overdue" Checks create a Process Alert 

When a check is marked as “Overdue” the task is added to the “Process Alerts” section with a “Submission Overdue” alert heading. It is recommended that Supervisors keep this section open so they can monitor and react to issues in real time. 

"Overdue" Checks can be viewed in the "Activity History"

The overdue task information is captured in the “Activity History” of a given process. To find this information click “Actions” in the top right of the process and then click “Activity History”. 


Please note, operators can skip checks if they have a valid reason. When skipping checks, the operator is required to add a reason, such as “The line is down”.


And that’s it. Now you understand what happens when repeated checks are missed.