How can I allow staff users to edit action items in the In Progress section?

Allow your staff users to edit submission data, action item statuses, due dates, assignees, and add comments from "In Progress" so they can participate in your In Progress workflows

Granting your staff users permission to update submission data or action item data (status, due date, assignee, and comments) from "In Progress" allows them to take more initiative when maintaining your data's integrity. It also involves staff users in your "In Progress" workflows because they can add data to forms, and assign the action item to other users. 



Masako Mullin is a staff user, but he can update the submission data, as well as the action item data : 

Staff User Editing

Staff users can edit the submissions by tapping Show Details, then the  Edit Button  button on the top right of the form data


Enabling this feature is easy. To allow staff users to edit a form, just follow these steps: 


Go to Form Builder and tap Edit beside the form you would like to allow Staff users to edit. Then tap Form Settings. 


Enable the Save-As-Open-Ticket feature for your form if it's not already enabled. Then tap "Users with "Users with 'Staff' user types can edit submissions" to enable to feature. 

Staff users edit


Now staff users will be able to edit that form's submission data and ticket data.