How can I easily monitor the adoption of my forms in Weever?

User Weever's FormMetrics table to track and report on the adoption of your forms

Making adoption or regional reports is simple with the Form Metrics table in Weever's OData connection. This table summarizes all the forms in your Weever system and how many times each form was submitted every day so you don't have to pull every form table into your Power BI Report. 

This table includes the following datapoints. 

  • Date - The date the data was added to the report
  • FolderId - A unique identifier for the form folder the form was in at the time of submission
  • FolderName - The name of the folder the form was in at the time of submission
  • FormId - A unique identifier for the form
  • FormName - The name of the form at the time of submission
  • FormCreatedAt - The date the form was created 
  • FormDeletedAt - The date the form was deleted
  • SubmissionsTotal - The number of submissions of that form for that day
  • UniqueSubmittersTotal - The number of unique submitters who submitted the form that day*
  • SubmissionsPointsTotal - Number of Weever Rewards points awarded for the submission that day 

*This is a unique count for the day, and not an overall could of submissions over time. 

What can I do with this data? 

This table will be very helpful for: 

  • Tracking adoption of forms for a single or multiple sites (aka Regional Reports) 
  • Identifying form name or form folder name changes but using the Form ID or Form Folder ID. 
  • Identifying if a form was deleted from Weever and when. 
  • Reporting on Weever Rewards points and which rewards forms are the best adopted by your operators. 

Follow these simple steps to pull this table into Power BI 


Connect Weever to Power BI by following these simple steps.


Form the list of tables, choose the "FormMetrics" table, and tap OK. 

And that's it!

Now you can make valuable reports with this data.