How do email notifications work for upcoming inspections?

The Weever Platform sends automated emails to the Assignee for inspections that are due soon.

Let’s review how to make this happen. 

An automated email notification can be set up for inspections that meet the following criteria:

  • Assigned to a specific user
  • Inspection frequency is weekly or greater

The email shows a list of inspections due in the upcoming week with a direct link to Scheduled Inspections.

How do I enable this notification for my inspection? 

  • From Inspection Builder, tap "New Inspection"
  • Select a Frequency that is weekly or greater
  • Check "Notify assignees when this inspection is due in the upcoming week"
  • Select user using "Inspection Assignee (optional)" field. If the "Inspections Assignee" field is blank, no one will receive this email. 

The email notifications will also be sent for inspections that are assigned manually from the Scheduled Inspections page.

How to I enable this feature for inspections that are already scheduled? 

This notification is already enabled for all your existing inspections that are scheduled at a frequency of weekly, monthly, or more. Any new inspections you schedule, you will be able to choose whether you enable this feature or not.

How can I disable this notification? 

Users can opt out of these notifications from their profile by disabling the "Allow administrators to notify me of inspections/audits I have due the upcoming week" option. 

Email notification

To remove this notification from the inspection for all users, delete the old inspection and re-schedule a new one. 


Before deleting your inspection in Inspection Builder, be sure to complete any overdue inspections by marking the Pass/Fail fields as "N/A". If you don't do this, you won't be able to clear out the overdue inspections. 


What do the emails look like?

When an assignee has an inspection due in the upcoming week, the user will receive an email that looks like the below. 

The email links directly to Scheduled Inspections with the "Inspections assigned to me" filter pre-selected.

When are the emails sent? 

The emails are sent on Monday at 12:00 AM local time.


Now you know how to set up automated emails for inspections with assignees.