What is Weever Assistant?

Answers to all your Weever questions in one handy location

Weever Assistant is your go-to resource for all your Weever questions and announcements. Access it any time from the bottom right corner of Weever by tapping this icon: 


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What can I use Weever Assistant for? 

Weever Assistant can answer questions about how to use Weever, as well as what has changed recently. Here's an overview of all the ways Weever Assistant can help you: 

Launch a Guided Tour

Guided tours walk you through the different features in Weever and how to use them by calling out what buttons to push etc. all within the Weever platform. 

Search Weever's Knowledge Base

Search the Weever Knowledge base for articles that will answer your questions all from within Weever Assistant. These articles have pictures, GIFs, and clear steps on how to use Weever to it's full potential! 

See Announcements from Weever

Feature updates, tips, and more can be found in the Announcements section of Weever Assistant. 

How can I search Weever Assistant? 

Tap the 🔎 icon at the top of Weever Assistant to search all guided tours as well as the knowledge base. 

Give it a try in Weever now!