Why did I receive this email from Weever?

Learn about the email notifications you can receive from Weever and how you can disable them.

If you're receiving email notifications from Weever that you no longer require, use this guide to determine why you're receiving this notification and how administrators can disable it.

EMAIL 1 - Your email is in the Recipient field for that form

Email Subject:   Form Title
Email Sender:   notifications@mail.weeverapps.com
Email Body:   Please see the mobile form submission attached to this message
You received this email because:   Your email was added to the Email recipients field for that form in Form Settings, and then the form was submitted. The email is not sent if a user edits the form in In Progress. 
Administrators can disable the email by:   removing your email from the Email recipients field for that form in Form Settings. 

Form Settings Email Recipient

Learn more about this feature here

EMAIL 2 - Your email is in a field in the form

Email Subject:   Form Title
Email Sender:   notifications@mail.weeverapps.com
Email Body:   Please see the mobile form submission attached to this message
You received this email because:   Your email is present in a Conditional Email field in the form and that option was selected when the form was submitted. This email could also be sent because your email was added to an Email Copy to... field in the form when it was submitted. These notifications are only sent upon the first submission of the form, and not if the field(s) are edited from In Progress and submitted again. 

Administrators can disable the email by:   removing your email from any Conditional Email fields in the form. There is no way, however, to prevent a user from adding your email to the Email Copy to... field. The administrator could consider removing this field and replacing it with another field. 

Screen Shot 2020-09-23 at 12.59.04 PM

Learn more about these features here

EMAIL 3 - A ticket was assigned to you and/or that ticket was updated

Email Subject:  Ticket (Unique ID if there is one) Updated
Email Sender:  noreply@mail.weeverapps.com
Email Body:  A ticket has been updated!
You received this email because:   A ticket in In Progress was assigned to you. While the ticket is assigned to you, you will also receive notifications any time: 

        • The form data is edited in In Progress.
        • A due date is added, or edited on that ticket.
        • A comment is added, or edited on that ticket.
        • The ticket status is updated on that ticket.
        • The assignee is edited on that ticket.
      Administrators can disable the email by:  removing you as the assignee for that ticket.

Remove Assignee