What is the difference between "User Lookup", "Reported by" and "Action Item" Assignee fields?

User Lookup

  • The User Lookup field is an autocomplete field that allows the user submitting the form to quickly find a person’s name and add it.
  • This field pulls from the User Management section of the app.

User Lookup

Reported By

  • Similar to the "User Lookup" field, the Reported By field is an autocomplete field that allows the user submitting the form to quickly find a person’s name and add it.
  • This field also pulls from the User Management section of the app and is helpful in cases where there is a shared login.
  • The difference is that this field tells the platform who reported this issue and the field is included as a column in the "In Progress" section for Save-As-Open-Ticket submissions


Reported By (and email copy)

  • The Reported By field is an autocomplete field that allows the user submitting the form to quickly find a person’s name and add it.
  • This field pulls from the User Management section of the app.
  • This field is included in the In Progress table.
  • The user chosen will receive an email copy of the first form submission.

Action Item (Assignee)

  • The Action Item field is used to assign specific users (via drop-down) to a given action within the Form. Action assignment will occur upon form submission and the user will receive an email notification. Learn more about the field here.
  • Choose which types of users can be assigned to an action item.
  • Include a status for the action item with custom labels. 
  • Action items will show as a hyperlink within the Form for users to jump directly to their action item.

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