How does the Info Box field work?

The Info Box field is used to add any text, links, photos, or videos to your form.

Provide real-time and on-demand instructions to your frontline staff using Info Boxes. Keep it simple with text and photos. Or you can take videos using your phone and add them anywhere in the form as a quick reference. 

  • Use the photo icon Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 12.39.21 PM to add a photo to your form. 
  • Embed a button within your Form to link to external webpages
  • Copy and paste the URL of a publicly hosted (ie. YouTube) into your form to embed the video in your form. 

Videos in form Builder


Pro-Tip: Using conditional logic to hide and reveal instructions ensures the content is available for those who need it but it is also hidden for those who do not, so it does not clutter the form. Learn how to do this here:


Learn about how all the fields work here: How does each field in Form Builder work?