How do each of the multiple choice fields work?

What are the Multiple Choice fields and what can you do with them?

There are 3 multiple choice fields available within the platform:

Multiple Choice

  • Allows users to select a single option from a list of visible options.
  • Have the ability to auto close In Progress items based on a single selection. This means that you can set up a form to create an "Open Ticket" when submitted by using the Form Settings in the Form Builder, and then create a multiple choice selection that overrides this and automatically closes the ticket. Learn more about form settings here:

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Multiple Choice with Details

  • Collect more information (via a free text field) when a specific option is selected in the multiple choice.
  • Note: This field offers similar functionality to using conditional logic to reveal a paragraph field based on a multiple choice selection. 
    Multiple choice with details

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Multiple Choice Score

  • Select a single option with an allocated number value from a list of visible options. 
  • The number value can then be used with “Calculation Result” or “Range Score” fields (see below)
  • Administrators can hide the score, which is useful for quizzes (learn more about quizzes here:

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Auto-close ticket

  • This field looks like a multiple choice field to the user submitting the form. Administrators, however, can set this field up to automatically close the corresponding ticket if a certain option is selected. For more information on this feature, check out this article.   

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Multiple Choice Score fields can interact with the Calculation Results and Range Score fields.

Calculation Result

  • The Calculation Result field displays the result of a simple math operation using existing numeric fields in your form (ie: Multiple Choice Score, Checkbox Score, Number)
  • Choose between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when applying which operation should be taking place in the formula.
  • You can also add “constant numbers” to your equation for uses like tax calculations and temperature conversions. 
  • Hide the the formula from being seen on the Form

calc result


Range Score

  • The Range Score field triggers a text result to display when a numeric field (Multiple Choice Score, Checkbox Score, Number) falls inside a given range (e.g., between 70 to 100 = “Pass”). 
  • Add as many ranges as needed (Note: ranges must not overlap).

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Learn about how all the fields work here: How does each field in Form Builder work?